It is well known that the integrity of the dental arches is a key factor in maintaining the balance and correct functioning of the entire STOMATOGNATHIC SYSTEM conformed by teeth, jaws, masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints. If one or more teeth are lost and are not replaced as soon as possible, the pieces adjacent to the empty spaces are inclined and move towards them altering the occlusion and masticatory function. In addition, new spaces can begin to appear between the anterior teeth (diastemas) that seriously compromise dental aesthetics.
Prosthodontics is undoubtedly one of the Specialties with greater range of action within current Dentistry. It can encompass from the reconstruction of a single partially destroyed tooth to bimaxillary COMPLETE REHABILITATION in totally edentulous patients.
Within the prosthetic arsenal at our disposal we find the well-known and popular removable dentures, conventional fixed prostheses and the sophisticated implant-supported restorations. Without any discussion, the last are currently, in all their types and versions; the ones of first choice. Although the function has traditionally been the primary objective of the Prosthodontist, nowadays aesthetics have the same relevance and trends have led us to make totally aesthetic and metal-free devices such as the thermoplastic nylon flexible prostheses Valplast® type and the impressive crowns and bridges of Zirconia or Lithium Disilicate made with CAD-CAM COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY.
Said the above, it is not difficult to understand the importance it has of the participation of a Specialist, of a Prosthodontist who guarantees the aesthetic and functional success of his restorative treatment, who be really capable to design and manufacture prosthetic devices that allow you to speak, eat and smile comfortably and without any type of limitation.